Monday, December 29, 2014

  • The Passive to Describe Situations and to Report Opinions
  • 2. Describing situations and states (Stative Passive)
    There is no active voice equvalent for these sentences.
  • 3. Describing situations and states (Stative Passive):
  • 4. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Active Sentences in the Present Tense:
  • 5. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Active Sentences in the Past Tense:
  • 6. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Passive Sentences with It + That Clause (Present Tense):
  • 7. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Passive Sentences with It + That Clause (Present Tense):
  • 8. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Passive Sentences with To Phrase (Present Tense):
  • 9. Reporting Opinions or Ideas: Passive Sentences with To Phrase (Past Tense):

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